Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission
Fit for Christ Ministries
Registered Charity in Australia ABN 4250 492 7267 (Government Certification)
Apostolic Faith (Government Certification) trading as
Fit for Christ Ministries , International Christian Alliance
Partnership in "Fit for Christ Ministries" expanding the Gospel
Proud Partners with Kenneth Copeland Ministries since 1994
"Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the WORD of God" Rom 10:17
Fit For Christ is a Not for Profit Ministry
A Registered Charity in Australia ABN 4250 492 7267
Registered with the Australian Charities and Not for Profit Commission
All Funds Deposited into Fit for Christ Ministries is used for Expanding the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Breakdown of where funds Go in Fit For Christ Ministries
Fit for Christ is accountable first and Formost to the Lord Jesus Christ
1 Chronicles 29:11-12 "For everything that is in heaven and in earth is yours o Lord"
The Lord owns everything so all Funds in this ministry belong to the Lord.
Fit For Christ Mission Biblical Statement Dueteronomy 8:18
The Tithe is 'Holy to the Lord' Dueteronomy 26:1-19
10% of this Ministry Goes to Kenneth Copeland Ministries as our Partnership 'Father in the faith' ministry since 1994.
This partnership is spiritual and results in 'shared anointing'.
Other Ministries and purposes
other funds are distributed by Pastor Graham Healy on the leading and prompting of the Holy spirit this may be varied like: -
our associated other 'partner ministries' for expansion of the Gospel
in the form of 'offerings' and 'gifts' of support Phillippians 4:15-20 -
The poor (Prosperity of the Gospel)
The Brokenhearted (Healing the Spirit through Jesus)
Liberty to the Captives (Free people in mind,body & spirit)
Sight to the Blind (healing)
Liberty to those who are oppressed (the Enslaved in sin)
Foundational Scripture Luke 4 :18
Yearly Report
A Yearly statement will be posted on this web site (we do not have to do this legally) as we are already accountable to the Australian Government regulatory authority ACNC but we do it for the information of our partners and associates) as an open source transparency Christian operation. -
A distribution Graph will be posted and accurate records are kept of all outgoing and incomings at all times .
Fit For Christ bank account Details and options
Direct Internet transfers available (receipts issued) with every deposit
monthly/weekly subscriptions and payment system available through Australian Brisbane based ezidebit all credit cards acceptable
(very small process fee applies see application form below) -
With Ezidebit system that is tied to Healy's Health facility and will be re-transfered to Fit for Christ account (saves duplication of process)
please clearly mark all deposits and electronic transfers as FIT FOR CHRIST or FFCHRIST to identify all deposits.(receipts issued electronically)
Fit for Christ Account
National Bank Kenmore
Bsb 084-263 Acc 277-917-858
Instructions for Cash or Internet direct transfer
Mark/Tag tranaction Fit for christ or FFChrist
Transfer internet to Nab Bsb 084-263 Acc 277-917-858
notify Graham Healy by email or Sms mob 0411 393 503
(best to do both and receipt will be issued)
Cash best done personally Receipt will be issued .
Any Questions Contact Graham Healy
Mobile 0411 393 503
Instructions for Ezidebit Form
Click tab below and print pdf (self explainatory)
Fill out form in black biro
note small fees for processing credit cards etc on form
place a start and finish date for direct debit (you control it)
email form to Fit for Christ Contact page
This will be processed and transfered to Fit for Christ Account bsb 084-263 acc 277-917-858
Any Questions Contact Graham Healy
Mobile 0411 393 503
Partnership Options and Principals
Partnership with Fit for Christ Ministries
You can become a partner which means you 'share in our anointing' in the inner circle as we do from KCM partnership
(but understand Fit for Christ is 'Legally' seperate ministry but recommends KCM's teachings as a recommended 'base')
Partners periodic 'Rhema' News letter sent to you written by Graham Healy personally
Suggested tapes and books of 'practical' application of the scriptures in every day life listed on this web site -
Promotion of Kenneth Copeland Ministries books tapes and cd's and dvd's
Strongly recommend following Brother Kenneth Copelands Internet Broadcasts and overall teachings and principals
plus Brother Copelands monthly partner letter is a 'Key' strategic 'spiritual navagator' from which to 'cross check yourself with the holy spirit's promptings.
Fit for Christ Ministries will do some broadcasts periodically audio preaching tapes, cd's and dvd's but the main resource that we recommend for your grounding in the WORD is KCM.
Fit for Christ (Graham Healy) is not only a partner of KCM but recomends all KCM teaching and resource material, Fit for Christ acts in a support role and askes the viewer to just simply 'follow the prompting of the Holy spirit' when purchasing products.
Fit for Christ Ministries tithing commitment is firstly to Kenneth Copelands Ministries and then to local Churches and other ministries with Godly purposes in the form of Gifts and Offerings based on the 100 fold return principal reference scripture Mark 10 :30.
Other Churches are defined as 'Spirit filled' Born Again Believing Church teaching the uncomprimizing WORD of God in its full context.
Fit for Christ ministries lead by the 'holy spirit' will refer believers to a Church with a longstanding reputation and an 'association' with Fit for Christ ministries and Pastor Graham Healy as a 'prefered' gathering point in synergy with the online presence of Fit for Christ and KCM ministries .
This is normally done within our 'network' of associated ministers and ministries in our 'sphere' of influence.
Fit For Christ Ministries Is a family ministry who is working in synergy with selected ministries , we Attend :
New life Church Inala and have Links with various
other Ministries including:
Kenneth Copeland Ministries Australia & USA
*Attending is defined as a separate ministry (Fit For Christ)
we chose to ATTEND ICC and support where we can in the Evanglistic capacity as a 7 mountains ministry .
Healys Health is Graham Healy's Health and Wellbeing Business and is run as a seperate entity from this ministry .
Healy's Health and its associated sub-business tithes into the Gospel as a 'for profit' business entity. (refer button below)
Quick Reference to What happens with your Investment in Fit For Christ Ministry ?
all Funds are used for the Expansion of the Gospel
Foundation Scripture Dueteronomy 8:18 -
10 percent Tithe is sent to Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Balance of funds are exclusively used for the expansion of the Gospel in several ways as pastor Graham Healy is
lead by the Holy Spirit -
Giving to other selected ministries (gifts and offerings)
Foundation Scripture Phillipians 4:15-20 -
The poor,Broken hearted,Sick,Oppressed and Captives
foundation scripture Luke 4:18 -
We believe in the 100 fold return principle for our partners and contributers Mark 10:30
Legal compliance and registered with the Australian Government Not For Profits commission ACNC
yearly overview Graph of allocated funds distribution posted on this web site (note this is done as a information service to partners and is not required as a Legal compliance by the Australian Government ACNC)
Fit For Christ is directly accountable to ACNC exclusively and legally ,however will voluntarily publish funds distributions for the benefit of our partners and as being totally transparent and informing partners and contributors of whats happening with contributed funds .
Finally, Ministry expences are deducted in the form of costs of running the ministry,transport costs,brochures etc as it would be in any Ministry World Wide we try to keep a cap on these expences to a ceiling of 25 percent of all available funds.
Jesus is Lord
Graham Healy
Fit for Christ Ministries
Prophet & Evangelist